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Watch this page for news on Alice's upcoming events and workshops....
Miss Alice Wilman BA (Hons)
Alice directs a show at the International Gilbert and Sullivan Festival!
It gives great pleasure to say that Alice has now graduated from the University of Hull. She now has a 2:1 in BA (Hons) Music and Theatre. 
On 20th August 2014 at 2.30pm, The Hull University Gilbert and Sullivan Society will be performing  Iolanthe at the Harrogate Theatre, as part of the International Gilbert and Sullivan Festival. This is the first time HUGSS have performed at the festival and it promises to be an exciting, fun packed show! Tickets can be purchased here
Potential ensemble based in Hull

Alice is currently thinking of creating an ensemble that will be based in Hull. This ensemble will ideally be four on a part and made up of people who have a passion for close harmony singing (Eric Whitacre style) and the ensemble will also sing early church music. These are very early days, and a lot of things need to be sorted out, but if you think you would like to audition, then please do get in touch - here. â€‹

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