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"Alice first came to my attention in October 2012 when she volunteered to come and sing with our choir, supporting our singing. At the time she was a first year student at Hull University. In September 2013 she asked if she could take over as Musical Director when the role became vacant. She has attended choir rehearsals on a weekly basis and has directed the choir in two concerts. She is always full of enthusiasm, encouragement and has excellent ideas. We are a community choir and our members have very limited musical abilities. Alice is keen to help us challenge our skills but also recognises our limitations. The age range of our members varies from 19 years to the oldest members who are in their 80s. Alice always displays great patience and the choir finds her a joy to work with. On a practical level, Alice works well as a member of the administration team of the choir, offering support, help and advice whenever necessary."
- Pauline Jennison (President and Secretary of Bilton Singers Community Choir)
"When I asked Alice to be the Musical Director for my Pantomime, Sleeping Beauty, I was nervous to say the least, especially as we never met prior to auditions and I knew nothing of her qualifications. My fears abated quickly however, as Alice became the perfect addition to the Directorial Team. She, during the seven/eight week rehearsal process, taught my cast and me a lot about singing, especially with such a wide variety of songs from a solo of Get this Party started, to a duet of Once Upon a Dream, and a group number of We Go Together from Grease. I can honestly say that without the time and effort Alice put in to each of the numbers over the intensive rehearsal process as well as in her free time training all members of the cast, the Pantomime would not have been half the show it was. I can never really express how grateful I am for being able to work with someone with such talent and skill to make my show a success."
- Joshua Cornes (Director of Sleeping Beauty, the pantomime)

​"Alice Wilman has been a soprano within The University Chapel Choir for one and a half years. Being a prominent member of the choir Alice was invited to sing with my chamber choir 'Schola Cantorum'. This ensemble specialises in early polyphony, which Alice's voice suits very well. As well as being a confident choral singer, Alice is currently preparing to sing a solo in a piece the Chapel Choir will perform at our communion service this coming semester. Alice brings musicality to all of her performances and has a lot to give to the music sphere."
- James Longden (Musical Director of Hull University Chapel Choir and Organ Scholar at Beverley Minster)

"Alice's singing lessons are always very enjoyable. She is always supportive and patient if I get it wrong and she is always able to pick me up if I lose confidence. During a pantomime I was involved in, as musical director, Alice was a great help to everyone! Apart from a select few, the majority of us were complete newbies to singing, and Alice never stopped encouraging us and uplifiting us. She also started teaching me about music theory as it was another string to Alice's already talented bow. I was a complete newbie so she started with the basics and worked her way up. What I love about the lessons is she is always just as enthusiastic as I am. Not only is she a great teacher, she is also a great a friend."
- Josh Berry (one of Alice's singing students)

"When I started lessons with Alice I had pretty much zero experience with singing. Despite me being a very frustrating student to teach, I got treated with a lot of patience and encouragement. Six months later I was on stage performing a main role in Gilbert and Sullivan's HMS Pinafore. I think I'd call that a result."
- Nick Hayes (one of Alice's singing students)
"Alice is a hard working individual who is not only a bubbly character who is incredibly gifted as a singer, but is incredibly patient and diligent when teaching new people how to sing. Armed with a repertoire of singing exercises and techniques, Alice provides an amazing learning experience and delivers it all with a smile on her face. I can personally say that I have learnt a lot from her and I have become a better singer as a result of it."
- Elliott Brindle (member of the pantomime chorus)
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